Discover the 7 Steps to Restore, Renew, and Rebuild Your Health.
This Protocol Can Help Millions of People Living with Chronic Disease.
Stop wasting your time and money with gimmicks and plans that don't work and finally learn how to adopt holistic habits which lead to the prevention of chronic disease.
We Face a Modern-Day Health Crisis

Don't Settle for Poor Health
Are you dealing with health symptoms that affect your lifestyle, your vitality and sap your joy? Perhaps you've justified it by thinking it's your age, genetics or you've simply accepted poor health.
Don't settle for poor health, especially due to bad nutrition and lifestyle choices. Don't accept a pattern that will lead you down the path to chronic illness.
Many people have overcome their chronic conditions, even reduced dependence on prescription medications using these 7 simple steps.
Imagine living your life free from chronic disease, free from medications. Imagine having lots of energy, less pain, and a clear mind. Just imagine!
It may be simpler than you think.

According to the C.D.C., Preventable, Chronic Diseases are on The Rise, and So Are Costs

No matter where you are on the spectrum of health, whether you've struggled with poor health for years or you simply aren't feeling well recently, you should know that...
Most Americans struggle with some form of chronic illness, it's the leading cause of death today
Trillions of dollars are spent on healthcare, most of which goes towards preventable chronic diseases
Billions of prescription drugs are prescribed each year, most only offer temporary symptomatic relief
More and more people, regardless of age group, gender, or ethnicity are being affected and afflicted
Chronic diseases are both a public and private health problem, since they are major drivers of sickness, disability and costs
The Solution is So Simple, You May Wonder Why You Didn't Do It Sooner
I've seen so many people transform their lives with this 7-Step protocol for natural, vibrant health
It's plain for everyone to see, and anyone to do
It uses a common-sense approach
It is practically free for anyone
Big pharma and the food industries have no incentive to recommend it
It is not a new trend, a new diet, magic pill or gimmick, but a sustainable, consistent solution
It gradually helps you adjust your lifestyle

It Works Because It Is Based on Proper Nutrition, Gradual Lifestyle and Behavioral Adjustments
My new program is designed to rebuild the body's health - by restoring balance to the biochemical processes and renewing the function of your cells and organs. This creates an environment of healing, growth and wellness.

Are You Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

6 in 10 U.S. adults have a chronic disease, while 4 in 10 suffer with two or more chronic conditions.

7 of the top 10 causes of death are caused by chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.

Nearly 6 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's , a number expected to reach nearly 14 million by 2050. The Disease kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.

More than 100 million Americans - nearly 1 in 3 - have either pre-diabetes or diabetes. It is the seventh leading cause of death, while some 50 million citizens have an autoimmune disease.
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in nutrition, and in the cause and prevention of disease"
Thomas Edison, inventor

Growing up, I was surrounded by people who struggled with their health. My desire to help led me to obtain my Doctorate in Pharmacy. As a natural health enthusiast and a self-care advocate, I began to educate people. This led to seminars, workshops, and ultimately, the creation of the Self-Care 7. With these 7 steps, we can restore, renew, and rebuild your health.
It is my desire to use the principles of this protocol to help you overcome your chronic conditions, look younger, feel better, and live longer.
I believe this program works based on my own experiences. It's based on real science, and regards the body as an interconnected, natural system. This is why results are typical.
From my experience, if you'd allow us to help you, we'd discover that most of you have experienced at least one of the following issues...
Your gut is damaged - often inflamed by the irritants we consume. This is why you don't absorb as many nutrients from your food.
You are toxic, not regular when it comes to using your elimination channels. This is why you struggle with reoccurring illness.
You are not drinking enough water. Blood circulation has slowed and fluid balance is out of sync.
Your metabolism and ability to produce energy have been suppressed. This is why you feel tired, and gain weight.
Your body is deficient, lacking sufficient amounts of essential nutrients - amino acids, essential fats, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and probiotics.
You're over-stressed, likely without proper management. This is affecting other aspects of your life, including your sleep.
You're taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, which cause additional side effects. This is why symptoms go away, but the problem remains.
I'm confident that making strategic changes in these 7 areas of your health - reducing inflammation, practicing elimination, increasing hydration, promoting digestion, improving nutrition, performing exertion, and allowing restoration.
Here's How It Works
Our Self-Care 7 program is available through our coaching app, AmVie. It puts the power of a trainer, a wellness coach, and a dietitian in your hands. This is supported by our team's professional experience.

We pair you with a wellness coach to help you apply the Self-Care 7. They will guide you, motivate you, hold you accountable, and answer any questions you may have.
Get access to articles that serve to educate and provide additional information on the relevant step of the Self-Care 7 protocol.
Guidelines will serve to instruct you on the specific tasks to be completed for each step of the Self-Care 7.
Any additional support that can better help you adopt holistic habits, such as supplements, can be recommended.
Get access to relevant videos that will educate you and provide additional information on the relevant step of the Self-Care 7 protocol.
We provide support to you every step along the journey of applying the Self-Care 7 into your life. Helping you adopt holistic habits while being accessible by text or zoom call.